- Monday, June 20, 2016 4:51 PM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
On Thursday this week (23rd June, 2016), Build-a-Bear Workshop will be releasing a brand new line of Ghostbusters plushes to celebrate the release of the brand new movie.
We had pre-ordered our plushes online, and they arrived on Monday this week - days earlier than the official release date!
They are super cute, and so I thought it was worth sharing them here on the blog.
There is a small Slimer plush that is not one that you can stuff yourself, instead being one that you just buy as-is.

The Stay Puft bear is an online exclusive, so again, you cannot stuff him yourself in store, sadly. He actually looks and feels really good though, and has a pretty cute expression on his face.

The mascot bear is meant to be a ghost too (which should be available in stores to stuff yourself), and has the little quiff that is akin to the ghost on the main Ghostbusters logo. You can buy an outfit for him/her, along with a proton pack.

I really like all three of the plushes in this new range, and am glad that Build-a-bear have decided to do them. The proton pack and outfit are really cute, and of course can be added to any regular sized Build-a-Bear bear, so you can turn any of your fluffy friends into Ghostbusters!

Have a great day everyone,