- Friday, September 2, 2016 9:09 AM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
Continuing on my quest to review as many LEGO sets as I can, today I am going to share with you my thoughts on five sets from the LEGO Disney Princess range.
LEGO and Disney have worked together for a long time, and have produced sets relating to everything from Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lone Ranger, Mickey Mouse and friends, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Miles from Tomorrowland, the
new Disney Cinderella Castle, and so much more; adding the Disney Princesses to the lineup was ultimately inevitable.
So far LEGO have produced princess sets relating to Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine, Anna and Elsa, Belle, Merida, Aurora and Cinderella (I don't think I missed any!). Today I am going to be reviewing just selection of those, with the rest coming in due course here on the blog.
The first set today is Belle's Enchanted Castle, which contains 374 pieces, including two minifigures. The set number is 41067,
and it can be purchased here, on Amazon.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

As with most LEGO sets, construction was in stages. This is where I was at after bag one:

Construction progress after bag two:

Finally, the finished product after bag three:

The fronts and the backs of the minifigures:
Beast/Prince Adam:


While the other characters in the set are not technically minifigures, they are so cool looking and have such distinctiveness that I thought it worthwhile giving them some closeups, too.
Madame Wardrobe (Madame de la Grande Bouche):




Mrs Potts and Chip:

I would give this set five out of five. I know it doesn't really have the depth and scope of how you imagine the Beast's castle to really be (I mean, look at the "ball room" area, and that
miniature library!), but the super cute and cool characters more than make up for that fact. I absolutely love Mrs Potts and Chip, and Madame de la Grande Bouche is amazing. I do have one minor criticism though, and that is stickers. Oh boy, stickers and me do not go down well, when it comes to LEGO! They never go straight how you want them, sometimes you accidentally put them on wrong, and then ruin them trying to peel them off, and over all, they are just a pain. This set really tested my sticker-rage limit! There were no less than TWENTY FOUR stickers for this set, which only has 374 pieces to begin with! Twenty four! What I find even stranger is why sometimes they make custom pieces that are very specific, and at other times you're stuck with a sticker instead. Anyway, stickers aside, I do love this set, and think it is a worthwhile addition for any collector.
Next up we have Arendelle Castle Celebration, which is set number 41068 and contains 477 pieces, including two minifigures.
You can purchase this set here, on Amazon.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

Construction progress after bag one:

What I had after bag two:

Progress after bag three:

The finished product after bag four:

The fronts and the backs of the minifigures:


Again, like with the Belle set, he isn't a minifigure, but here's a closeup shot of Olaf and his Snowgie friends for completeness sake:

I would give this set five out of five. Much to my relief, there were nowhere near as many stickers in this set! Even though they are balls of snowy snot (watch 'Frozen Fever' if you don't believe me!), the Snowgies are kind of cute, and the other figures look good, too. The front decoration of the castle is actually really nice; I love the ice fountains and the snowflake on the top. I'm not sure why the ice skates are hidden inside the grandfather clock's mechanical housing, but I suppose it's as good a place as any! I think this is a fun set, and definitely recommended if you have any Frozen fans in your family.
Continuing the Frozen theme, next we have Anna and Kristoff's Sleigh Adventure. This set contains 174 pieces, including two minifigures, and is set number 41066.
You can purchase this set on Amazon, here.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

After bag one, this is what I had:

Then the completed set after bag two:

The fronts of the minifigures:


And a closeup of Sven, because he is super cute!

I would give this set five out of five. It's a really small set, but is really cute. I love that we have Kristoff and Sven in LEGO form, and we have a different look for Anna (compared to the summer outfit she wears in the Arendelle set, above). The little shop is fun, and I like that they included a few carrots for Sven. The only slight negative thing I will say is that I don't know why Kristoff looks more like a young Jessie McCartney, or better yet, Jessie McCartney's Disney Fairies character, Terence, than he does Kristoff!
Rounding up the Frozen theme for this review, before we come to the last set for today, we have Olaf's Summertime Fun. This set contains 48 pieces, including Olaf (who technically isn't a minifigure), and is set number 30397. This set wasn't a regular set you could buy, as it was offered as a promotional item, though you may now find it online through some toy stores, I believe.
The front of the bag:

The contents of the bag:

The completed set:

Olaf's closeup:

For what it is, I give this set five out of five. I actually think that the little beach scene is really cute, and I love the reindeer themed inflatable that Olaf sits in! Being such a small set, there isn't too much more I can say about it, but if you manage to find it in stores somewhere, I recommend that you pick it up!
So now we come to the last set for today's review.
Rapunzel's Best Day ever is set number 41065, and contains 145 pieces, including one minifigure.
You can purchase this set here, on Amazon.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

Construction progress after bag one:

The completed set after bag two:

The front and back of Rapunzel:

Maximus' closeup:

I would give this set three and a half out of five. That may seem harsh, but I actually don't really understand what they were trying to achieve with this one. Two years previously we had already seen a full Rapunzel Tower in set number 41054, so why do we need this much lesser quality version? Aside from the fact it has Maximus in it (who I do love, by the way), they didn't need to make this set. We could have easily had some other scene from the movie, and easily included Maximus and other characters in it - dare I say the Snuggly Duckling?! The swing I suppose is a nice idea, but it's nearly as big as the tower, which really just throws the whole thing out even more.
Ok, that's all for today's reviews.
Have a great day everyone,