- Wednesday, November 30, 2016 11:12 AM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
Lego just released some brand new Lego sets to coincide with the release of Disney's latest blockbuster hit, Moana. So far there have been two sets, which I am going to review here.
Let's start with set number 41150, Moana's Ocean Voyage. This set contains 307 pieces, including two minifigures. The suggested retail price (in the US) is $39.99 plus any applicable taxes, and can be
purchased here, through Amazon.com.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

Construction progress after stage one:

Progress after stage two:

The completed set after stage three:

Close-ups of the minifigures:


I would give this set four out of five. For what it is, it's actually neat, but I do feel that it cheated on some aspects. The island is tiny, but has a gigantic palm tree sticking right out of it. If you have seen the movie, you'll know that the island is a fully fledged, regular island. It's pretty big. I know this is just a Lego set, but the perspective and angle are all wrong. That said, it is cool that they took the time to make the face spin so that you get both Te Fiti and Te Ka, complete with removable heart stone. I just love the little Hei Hei (chicken) - he was one of the best parts about the movie, and I am happy that they put him into Lego form! Maui and Moana themselves are well designed, and I have no complaints with them. Maui's hook on the other hand could have been a specialised piece, I feel, especially since Maui himself is a uniquely moulded piece anyway. Finally, the little coconut tribe boat is funny and cute, and a good inclusion.
The second and final set is set number 41149, Moana's Island Adventure. This set contains 205 pieces, including one minifigure. It retails for $24.99, plus any applicable taxes, and can be
purchased here, on Amazon.com.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

Construction progress after stage one:

The completed set after stage two:

The front and back of Moana:

I would give this set four out of five. It actually is a really decent set, but I feel perhaps we could have had another minifigure in it. It is also unclear as to what the waterfall-looking thing is, that contains the heart stone. I assume it is supposed to be when the water chooses Moana and reveals the stone to her, but that is in the ocean - and this definitely looks more like a waterfall, especially with those surrounding rocks! My nitpicking aside, it's a fun set, and of course it is made better for the fact it includes Pua the pig!
It is interesting to note that Moana sports a different outfit between both sets, which was a smart move on Lego's part.

Ok, that's all for today! Have a great day everyone.