- Tuesday, January 24, 2017 9:41 AM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
In my ongoing review of the entire TMNT range from Mega Bloks, today I am going to take a look six more sets from the Classic/Collector range. If you want to take a look at my previous reviews, which includes the current Nick cartoon series and the Movie range,
click here.
Let's start with the new "mutagen canister" sub-line, which features four brand new sets. I will provide photos of all four, then will give my thoughts on them as a whole afterwards.
The first one is Dr Baxter Stockman Mutagen Canister, which is set number DXF16, and contains 33 pieces, including one minifigure.
The front and the back of the packaging:

The contents of the set:

The completed set:

The next one is Rocksteady Mutagen Canister, which is set number DXF15, and contains 38 pieces, including one minifigure.
The front and the back of the packaging:

The contents of the set:

The completed set:

Next up we have the Michelangelo Mutagen Canister. This is set number DXF13 and contains 49 pieces.
The front and the back of the packaging:

The contents of the set:

The completed set:

The final one is the Raphael Mutagen Canister, which is set number DXF14, and contains 44 pieces.
The front and the back of the packaging:

The contents of the set:

The completed set:

I would give all of these sets five out of five. As I have said previously in my reviews of the various sets from the Collector/Classic Series, Mega Bloks (who are now branding themselves as Mega Construx, if you hadn't noticed) have been really on the ball with this range. Every time I think they can't do anything better, they come out with something just as awesome as the last! I love these mutagen canisters - I think they are such a great idea. Instead of the good old trustworthy bling bag minifigs we usually get from Mega Bloks or LEGO, we are getting minifigure packs with some real substance to them. My favourite of the four though has to be Baxter Stockman. Despite having the lowest piece count of all four sets, he simply looks super cool. While I didn't take a photo specifically showing this, it is worth noting that Raph's head does not switch, like Baxter or Rocksteady's do, but in fact is an
actual rubber mask that fits right over his head! Amazing! The detailing on the back of Mikey's shell is a nice touch, and both he and Raph have metal shells, which I like. The canisters can be used to store the spare parts for the minifigures' mutations, which you can see in the photo, below.

Finally, I want to make you aware that the instructions for the sets are actually hidden between the two pieces of card that form the backing card of the set. It isn't all too obvious, but there is a perforated line to tear down to get access to it. I thought personally that it was way too easy to miss and potentially throw away the instructions by accident.
Next we are going to take a look at the Donatello Battle Pack, which is set number DXF17, and contains 98 pieces, including four minifigures.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

The completed set:

I would give this set five out of five. While it is a fairly simple set over all, I really like it for the fact it has the Rock Soldiers. The little posters behind the minifigures feature some nice artwork, and the Rock Soldiers themselves are really neat. Although the set doesn't make it clear in any way, I assume the darker red one of the three is General Traag. Finally, Donnie has a metal shell, which looks cool.
The final set for today is the Samurai Leonardo Battle Pack, which is set number DXF18, and contains 80 pieces, including one minifigure and four Mousers.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

The completed set:

I would give this set five out of five also. While it is a fun set, I don't know exactly where they got their inspiration from! Leo never appears like this in the Fred Wolf cartoon fighting Mousers! Mousers do of course appear in season one of the show, and Leo does wear Samurai armour in the third live action movie, so perhaps they were going for some sort of fun mash-up? Whatever the thought process, they did actually do a good job of it, and his outfit is one of the best they have done for one of the core four TMNT minifigs in the range.

That's all for today! Have a great day everyone.