- Thursday, December 10, 2015 2:23 PM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
Before we went to Asia for two weeks we made a brief stop-over in New York City (we were flying from Newark, NJ to Asia). I thought I would share with you some photos from the short time we had there.
We have been to NYC before, and every time I visit I have mixed feelings about it. I am not one for crowded places, and I am definitely more of a country person than city dweller, so already there is an internal conflict before I get anywhere! With that said, cities can be fascinating places, filled with a myriad of crazy and wondrous things, and New York is no exception!
With our time there being extremely limited we only visited a few stores - The Disney Store, M&Ms World, a comic book store, Toys R Us, and several eateries (dinner and breakfast).
I only took a few photos in Toys R Us, the Disney Store, the M&Ms World store and of the Macy's Peanuts Christmas window display, but I thought it would be nice to share with you all anyway.


Have a great day everyone!